VIP Assistance offers its service beginning from 2015 as a medical and technical assistance services not only to the national and international companies, but also to individuals who have problems and need assistance services whilst they are away from their homes.
VIP assistance is the only assistance company that fully represents the needs of contractors in the country of Egypt. We do not have any property links to Egyptian health care providers, which is made up of experts from the European Union of Egypt. Knowledge of ratios allows our team to stop full-fledged customer interests – we provide all logistical and organizational services in coexistence with hospitalization and hospitalization clients and consequently effectively cost control of issued invoices. For patients, we provide translators services, personalized patient visits, and personal supervision of the range of services provided.
VIP assistance is Assistance Company with special license for Registration medical cases and organizing treatment.
VIP Assistance was founded by a Switzerland-Egyptian-Slovakian Partnership with over 7 years of professional experience in the travel insurance market in Egyptian touristic market .
This professional partnership is successfully launched relying on the integrity of the local-knowledge and professional experiences in the insurance business career which qualify us to provide our unlimited care.
We can help your insured people any time anywhere.